Monday, May 19, 2014

Beautiful trees in Sandra's Garden

There are many beautiful large trees and shrubs in Sandra's garden, some of them are over 150 years old. and sequoia could live up to over 3000 years. They manufacture huge amount of oxygen, and provide excellent shelters for wild animals and birds.  Harmony, tranquility and beautitudes are the theme of the garden.                              

     1.  Spruce  (Picea) 云杉, 根基直径大约78厘米

2. Big tree (Sequoia Gigantum) 红巨杉, 根基直径大约78厘米

3. Coast redwood  (Sequoia sempervirens)海岸红杉, 根基直径大约98厘米

4. Beech (Fagus), 櫸木,根基直径大约75厘米

5. Oak ( Quercus), 橡木, 根基直径大约72厘米

6. Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga), 花旗松,根基直径大约76 厘米

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

PNE 太平洋国家公园 的 鸽子树 欣赏 / DOVE TREE IN PNE

鸽子树,也叫手绢树,幽灵树,是源于中国的古老树种,珙桐(gǒng tóng)为落叶乔木。可生长到15~25米高,叶子广卵形,边缘锯齿。本科植物只有一属两种,两种相似,只是一种叶面有毛,另一种光叶珙桐是光面。色花奇美,是1000万年前新生代第三纪留下的孑遗植物,在第四纪冰川时期,大部分地区的珙桐相继灭绝,只有在中国南方的一些地区幸存下来,洛阳绿诚农业已规模化繁育及种植成功。成为了植物界今天的“活化石”,被誉为“中国的鸽子树”,又称“鸽子花树”、“水梨子”,野生种只生长在中国西南四川省和中部湖北省和周边地区。

Dividia involucrata

Pruning and leveling the super tall cedar hedge in Richmond

There are about 25 trees forming the hedge, they are about 50 feet tall, the owner likes to take down about 20 feet, but i recommend reducing about 8 to 10 feet for the easiness of the operation.